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Governors Header

Governors Information

Governors work with the headteacher and senior leadership team to drive the strategic development of the school and raise standards of achievement. Duties include setting the school’s vision, aims and objectives, approving the school budget and appointing the headteacher. The three main roles that governors have are:

  1. ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management
  3. of staff
  4. overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

If you want to find out more about our governors, visit the meet our governors page of our website. 

If you want to contact the Governing body you can contact Claire Greenhalgh at the school who can arrange this for you. Please email, send a letter or telephone the school. Contact details can be found on our contact us page.

We sometimes have governor vacancies. If you are interested in becoming a governor please email us at cloughside@bury.gov.uk

Our Governors

Current Governors
Previous Governors
Name Type/Role Term of office ends Governance Responsibilities
Janine Taylor Co-opted 16.09.2024

Chair of Governors, Link Governor for Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Link Governor for SFVS and GDPR, Finance and Personnel Committee, Pay Committee

Ian Chambers Local Authority 17.01.2024

Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of Finance and Personnel Committee, Link Governor for Leadership, Link Governor for Outcomes, SEND, Pay Committee

Karen Ingham Headteacher Ex Officio

Finance and Personnel Committee, Curriculum and Standards Committee, Reporting to Pay and Appeals/Hearings Committees

Peter Johnson Parent 30.05.2026 Finance and Personnel Committee
Paul Roper Co-opted 30.03.2025

Curriculum and Standards Committee, Link Governor for quality of personal development, behaviour and welfare, Link Governor for CYPIC and Safeguarding

Laura Green Staff 05.12.2026

Curriculum and Standards Committee, Training and Development Lead, Wellbeing

Robert Turner Parent 10.07.2027 Chair for Curriculum and Standards
Val Greenhalgh Co-opted 23.11.2024 Finance and Personnel Committee, Link Governor for Health and Safety
Isaac Adams Co-opted 21.12.2023 Curriculum and Standards Committee
Lorraine McCrorie Associate 30.06.2024 Finance and Personnel Committee

Appeals/Hearings committees will be selected from GB members as required.

A committee will be considered quorate with 2 governors and the Headteacher.

Full Governing Body meetings will be considered quorate with 4 governors and the Headteacher.

Noel Bayley    


Finance and Personnel Committee Curriculum and Standards Committee
Ian Chambers (Chair) Rob Turner (Chair)
Janine Taylor Laura Green
Peter Johnson Janine Taylor
Val Greenhalgh Paul Roper
  Isaac Adams

Full Governing Body Meeting Attendance 2023 - 24

Name 05.12.2023 07.03.2024
Janine Taylor Attended Attended
Ian Chambers Attended Attended
Paul Roper Apologies Attended
Karen Ingham Attended Attended
Peter Johnson Attended Apologies
Laura Green Attended Attended
Dr Robert Turner Attended Attended
Lorraine McCrorie Attendance not required as associate governor   
Val Greenhalgh Attended Apologies
Isaac Adams Attended Apologies
Governor Clerk Attended Attended


Curriculum and Standards Committee Meeting Attendance 2024 - 25

Name 16.10.2024
Ian Chambers   
Karen Ingham  
Peter Johnson  
Laura Green Apologies
Janine Taylor Apologies
Dr Robert Turner Attended
Paul Roper Apologies
Governor Clerk Attended

Curriculum and Standards Committee Meeting Attendance 2023 - 24

Name 08.11.2023 14.02.2024
Ian Chambers    
Karen Ingham Attended  
Peter Johnson    
Laura Green Attended Attended
Janine Taylor Attended Attended
Dr Robert Turner Attended Attended
Paul Roper Attended Apologies
Governor Clerk Attended Attended

Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting Attendance 2024 - 25

Name 16.10.2024
Janine Taylor Apologies
Ian Chambers Attended
Karen Ingham Attended
Paul Roper  
Val Greenhalgh Attended
Lorraine McCrorie  
Peter Johnson Attended
Governor Clerk  Attended

Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting Attendance 2023 - 24

Name 08.11.2023 14.02.2024
Janine Taylor Attended Attended
Ian Chambers Attended Attended
Karen Ingham Attended Attended
Paul Roper    
Val Greenhalgh Attended Attended
Lorraine McCrorie    
Governor Clerk Attended Attended